Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Assembly Source File
298 lines
; Filename : More.inc
; Included from: Main assembley module
; Description : X mode Mouse routines
; Written by: John McCarthy
; 1316 Redwood Lane
; Pickering, Ontario.
; Canada, Earth, Milky Way (for those out-of-towners)
; L1X 1C5
; Fidonet: Brian McCarthy 1:229/15
; RIME/Relaynet: ->CRS
; Home phone, (905) 831-1944, don't call at 2 am eh!
; John Mccarthy would really love to work for a company programming Robots
; or doing some high intensive CPU work. Hint. Hint.
; Send me your protected mode source code!
; Send me your Objects!
; But most of all, Send me a postcard!!!!
code32 segment para public use32
assume cs:code32, ds:code32
include pmode.ext ; protected mode externals
include xmode.ext ; include externals for xmode routines
include clear.ext
include macros.inc
public _show_mouse
public _get_mouse_position
public _plot_mouse
public _instant_mouse
public _compiled_mouse
public _remove_mouse
public _mousex
public _mousey
public _mousebuttons
public _mousebitmap
public _mousesavemap
public _ismouse
public _mousex1
public _mousex2
public _mousey1
public _mousey2
; x-mode mouse routines in protected mode for 3d vectors source
; _show_mouse (int x, int y, int xclipl, int xclipr, int yclipt, int yclipb)
; _get_mouse_position
; _plot_mouse
; _remove_mouse
; _instant_mouse
; after ploting mouse, _sync_display is not called
_ismouse db -1 ; is mouse present?
_mousex1 dw ?
_mousex2 dw ? ; clipping parameters
_mousey1 dw ?
_mousey2 dw ?
_mousex dw 0 ; mouse location, buttons
_mousey dw 0
_mousebuttons dw 0
_mousebitmap dd ?
_mousesavemap dd ?
; _show_mouse (int x, int y, int xclipl, int xclipr, int yclipt, int yclipb)
sm_stack struc
dd ? ; ebp
dd ? ; caller
my2 dw ?
my1 dw ?
mx2 dw ?
mx1 dw ? ; clipping parameters of mouse
savemap dd ? ; enough memory for saved screen data
mousemap dd ? ; bitmap to use for mouse
setm_ypos dw ? ; y pos of mouse
setm_xpos dw ? ; x pos of mouse
sm_stack ends
push ebp
call _remove_mouse
mov v86r_ax,0 ; enable mouse
mov al,33h
int 33h
mov ah,v86r_ah ; check if hardware/driver installed
xor ah,255
mov _ismouse, ah
jne sm_nomouse ; no mouse, exit
mov ebp, esp ; set up stack frame
mov edx,[ebp].savemap
mov _mousesavemap,edx
mov ecx,[ebp].mousemap
mov _mousebitmap,ecx
mov ebx,[ecx] ; transfer x,y size of mouse bitmap
mov [edx],ebx
mov cx, [ebp].setm_xpos
mov dx, [ebp].setm_ypos
mov v86r_ax,4 ; position mouse
mov v86r_cx,cx
mov v86r_dx,dx
int 33h
mov ebp, esp ; set up stack frame
mov cx, [ebp].mx1
mov dx, [ebp].mx2
shl cx,1
mov ebx,_mousebitmap
sub dx,[ebx]
shl dx,1
mov v86r_ax,7 ; set screen size
mov v86r_cx,cx
mov v86r_dx,dx
int 33h ; *2 gives greater resolution!!!!!
mov ebp, esp ; set up stack frame
mov cx, [ebp].my1
mov dx, [ebp].my2
shl cx,1
mov ebx,_mousebitmap
sub dx,[ebx+2]
shl dx,1
mov v86r_ax,8
mov v86r_cx,cx
mov v86r_dx,dx
int 33h
mov v86r_ax,15 ; set mouse mickeys (8 = default)
mov v86r_cx,8
mov v86r_dx,8
int 33h
mov firstcall,0 ; first call to mouse routines, reset
pop ebp
ret 20
; Guess what this does?
; In = none
; Out = cx = mouse x
; dx = mouse y
; bx = mouse buttons
cmp _ismouse,0
jne _ret
mov v86r_ax,3 ; call bios routines
mov al,33h
int 33h
mov bx,v86r_bx ; button status, mid right left=%111
mov cx,v86r_cx ; coloum
mov dx,v86r_dx ; row
mov _mousebuttons,bx ; save button status
shr cx,1 ; compensate for resolution!!!
shr dx,1
mov _mousex,cx
mov _mousey,dx
; Plot mouse at new location. must be called every frame
firstcall db 0
cmp _ismouse,0 ; plot mouse needs modification
jne _ret ; if used with page flipping, (save
; more than one page)
call _remove_mouse
mov firstcall,1
call _get_mouse_position ; get new mouse location
mov esi,_mousebitmap
mov bx, [esi+2] ; counters
mov ax, [esi]
mov esi,_mousesavemap
mov [esi],ax
mov [esi+2],bx
add esi, 4 ; indexer to bitmap saved data
push ax esi cx dx bx ; save data under new cursor
push cx dx
call _read_point
pop bx dx cx esi
mov b [esi],al
pop ax
inc esi
inc cx
dec ax
cmp ax,0
jne pl_morew
inc dx
mov cx,_mousex
mov edi,_mousebitmap
mov ax,[edi]
dec bx
cmp bx,0
jne pl_morew
push edi
pushw _mousex
pushw _mousey
call _tdraw_bitmap ; draw new mouse
; Plot single mouse, doesnt remember background
cmp _ismouse,0
jne _ret
call _get_mouse_position ; get new mouse location
mov eax,_mousebitmap
push eax
pushw _mousex
pushw _mousey
call _tdraw_bitmap ; draw new mouse
; Plot compiled mouse, doesnt remember background
; In: EAX => compiled bitmap routine
cmp _ismouse,0
jne _ret
push eax
call _get_mouse_position ; get new mouse location
mov bx,cx
mov cx,dx
call _compile_xy
mov edi,_current_page
add edi,esi
pop ebp
call ebp ; draw new mouse
; Remove mouse from screen - plot old stuff back underniegth
cmp firstcall,0 ; check if mouse on screen
je _ret
mov eax,_mousesavemap
push eax
pushw _mousex
pushw _mousey
call _draw_bitmap ; restore old data under cursor
mov firstcall,0 ; mouse is gone, say so
code32 ends